Dating 3
Who is this?
This beautiful man
Who started it all
Who did this?
This beautiful doom
You hold inside
Blistering, blisters boil
My toes and lips
You howl my name
Wipe the North Pole off the map
You are the North Pole now
You wipe me out
You who became me
Who are you?
By Kim Myung Won
translated, from the Korean, by EJ Koh
EJ Koh is a poet and an author. Her work has been published in TriQuarterly, Southeast Review, The Journal, Susquehanna Review, Gulf Stream, and elsewhere. A finalist of the Ina Coolbrith Memorial Prize in Poetry. Masters of Fine Arts at Columbia University. She blogs at Her first novel Red is due out this year.Kim Myung Won is a poet and a professor of Korean literature at Daejun University in Seoul, Korea.