“Bats were born bats”
خفاش ها
به طور تصادفی خفاش به دنیا آمده اند.
نفرینشان نکن!
حالا که در مورد روشنایی صحبت می کنی،
تاریکی را با احترام به آنها بسپار
خیالت راحت،
آنها از حاشیه خواب هایت
بیرون می روند
Rasool Yoonan, a poet, playwright, novelist, and translator, was born in 1969 in Urmia, Iran. His debut collection of poetry, Good Day My Dear, was published in 1998. Further collections include Concert in Hell, I Was a Bad Boy, Carrying the Piano Down the Stairs of an Icy Hotel, Be Careful; Ants Are Coming, and Skiing on the Housetops. Yoonan’s most recent publications are three chapbooks of micro fiction: You Idiot! We’re Dead; Damn It, Pick Up the Phone; and See You in Hell.
Yoonan’s poetry has also been translated to Armenian and French.
Bats were born bats
at pure random.
Don’t curse them!
Now that you’re talking
about light, entrust
the darkness to bats with dignity!
Rest assured that they will leave
the margins of your dreams.
Siavash Saadlou was born and raised in Iran. He is a writer, literary translator, and teacher. Saadlou is the authorized translator of Rasool Yoonan, the minimalist Iranian poet. His translations have appeared in Washington Square Review, Indian Review, Visions International, Blue Lyra Review, Writing Disorder, and Asymptote. He is an MFA creative writing candidate and a teaching fellow at Saint Mary’s College of California.