First time around
Lilly Morgan is a self-taught artist born in England to a Greek mother and an English father. She uses art to capture memories of people, places, and things that move her and as a way to contemplate and celebrate life’s contrasts. Working mainly in watercolor and acrylic, her colorful work reflects a rich tapestry of multicultural influences: from the idyllic Mediterranean to the bustling streets of London and Buenos Aires. Follow her journey
Artist’s Statement:
I wanted to capture how so many of us receive news of war and revolution these days; through the screens we hold in our hands. Detached, numb, and there amongst our friends’ holiday pictures and the latest memes. Or does the hand belong to someone injured? Someone capturing what they can of the chaos in front of them? An image of turmoil to be shared all over the world and back into the palms of our hands once again.