Then, sir (in English), we pass through the last scan: a soul scan… Yes, you know that after the ‘34 Civil War in Tijuana, we don’t allow any Mexican atheists, or a believer in any of those indigenous religions scattered …
Then, sir (in English), we pass through the last scan: a soul scan… Yes, you know that after the ‘34 Civil War in Tijuana, we don’t allow any Mexican atheists, or a believer in any of those indigenous religions scattered …
The funniest thing that happened to me today wasn’t even supposed to be funny but I have to tell someone. A poor grrl with recently installed navelcoats felt so worked up —in between the constant heat, the synaesthesia, pepto flavor, …
“I will die yesterday. I knew it the day after tomorrow,” he will tell me, waiting for me to be surprised. After all, I will observe him, expressionless. “I will accidentally fall in the Cretaceous Period where a dinosaur crushed …
DELICATESSEN Come in! Get your pancreatic Fud juices! What can I get for you, güero? Enzymes, bacteria? Cold cut meat, instant chorizo, Bimbo Vitamins, Jumbo ham? Mmm, let me have the ones that fill you up quicker, I haven’t had …
My father named me Betelgeuse, just like the dying star. His may have been melancholic reasons; maybe it was just resignation. So my name is Betel, and like the star giving form to Orion, I’m about to undergo extinction. It’s …
TIJUANA: INDEPENDENT Select / cut / paste. The Baja California peninsula detaching itself from America. TIJUANA: OVERCOME “So what’s up, have you gotten over Adriana?” “Simón, my memory was reformatted yesterday.” TIJUANA: MEDICINE (vital code error) “Doctor, how …
It all started at the maquila, where I got distracted checking out the girl I liked. Suddenly, there was a burning sensation in my arm and when I turned around, it was totally gone. Fucking mechanical press. My contractors assumed …
The following mini-stories, written mainly by undergrads in Tijuana, Baja California, were “performed” and given away as postcards and book separators to passersby waiting to cross the border from Mexico to the USA. All of the stories depict near-future scenarios …
Micro(science)Fiction: You can see the future from here: Intro Read more »
It was the time when the Sun was at its highest point of its road, when Jafet came into the tent. —Father. —Yes, Jafet? —We have a problem. —What is it, my son? —It turns out that… —Old man! —Cam, …
I have a problem: my time machine is always late. I have wasted hours trying to make it work properly (it’s not convenient to force the mechanism, as the tragic Chichilo Sartori incident showed), but nothing seems to work. I …