The Machine to Think of Gladys
BEFORE GOING TO BED I made the daily round in the house, to control that everything was in order; the window in the small bathroom, down the hallway, was open – so that the polyester shirt I was going to …
BEFORE GOING TO BED I made the daily round in the house, to control that everything was in order; the window in the small bathroom, down the hallway, was open – so that the polyester shirt I was going to …
1. I am twenty-three years old but today I played in the sea like I was ten, eleven at best. I blasted through the waves until I reached the shore and then I went back in leaping over the foam. …
I. In a tomb I build my house, and in the dark I make my bed; I have made a pact with my eyes, “The eyes of those who see me will see me no more: your eyes will be …
In order to live I do not need islands, palaces, towers. What a great joy it is: to live among pronouns! Take off the costumes, already, the gestures, the portraits; I don’t want you so, unmasked by others, always someone …
1 Es un libro lleno de niños fantasmas, muertos y a salvo y muertos significa escondidos o deseando o no deseando ser conocidos. 2. El cielo es simétrico con respecto a la rotación. Es hermoso cuando una cosa cambia mientras …
“Descendamos y confundamos su idioma para que podamos distinguir a nuestra gente de nuestros pensamientos.” Será verdad que el bebé tiene miedo su deseo de tragarnos ha sido ya ¿llevado a cabo? * Difícil de decir debido a que hemos …
La manera en la que mi interés en su beso imaginario esta secretamente dirigido a ti. * Carentes de intención dientes de hiedra montan los postes que sostienen la carretera. Seria posible decir que cada hoja circunscribe esperanza o que …
The unmoving sea released from its own jawbones exhales a new soul. It has no bottom, shipwrecks, souls, embraced in seaweed. The newborn pallid face of God is watching. Vessels have not writ upon it. Men have not deciphered it. …
You want me like dawn, You want me made of sea-foam, You want me made of nacre. Lily-like, more chaste Than any other girl. Delicately perfumed, My bud closed. No pure ray of moon would shine its light on me. …
Grey mouths open on the round plate of the sea. Grey clouds swallow silent mouths of sea. And at the bottom there are fish, asleep. Lain in watery caves, their bodies cold and horizontal sleeping, all the fishes of the …